Eben & Johanna welcomed Edison James into their family at 11:50 pm on Wednesday, July 2nd.
We chose the name Edison because it is unique without being weird, is English like our last name, and in honor of the great inventor, Thomas Edison. James is a Phillips family name, actually the son of Eben Phillips for which Eben was named. He is also on the Swampscott, MA town seal. We also liked James because Eben wanted to name our baby after a navigator – so James Cook it is (we’ll leave out the mutiny part). We also like Edison James because it represents Eben (E) and Johanna (J). No plans yet on calling him Eddy or EJ, so just Edison for now.
He was born at 38 weeks, but was definitely not small – weighing in at 7 lbs, 10 oz and measuring 19.5 inches long.
Both he & mom are doing well; so well, in fact that we left the hospital Thursday night and spent Independence Day at a family BBQ.
Thank you to all of you who have supported me during my pregnancy & who have given thoughtful gifts to Edison.
Who was right about the baby being a boy? Anyone guess the date or size?
I am thrilled he came early (due to our scheduled move date in a couple weeks) – all my homeopathic methods seemed to have worked as labor kicked in starting at 4am on the 2nd. We were at the hospital at 11am, checked and into a birthing suite by 2pm. My contractions weren’t leading to enough dilation by the late afternoon, so they put me on pitocin to speed them up & make them stronger – thus necessitating an epidural. After the epidural, it was a cake walk until I was fully dilated by 9:30pm. I started “pushing” around 10:30 and Edison was born at 11:50! (apparently in the middle of a thunder & lightening storm, appropriately enough)
We enjoyed excellent care at the hospital and all things considered, it was a pretty smooth process.
We are figuring out Edison’s cues and needs. He is so far a very sweet tempered baby, crying out only when he has a need to be met & then settling down to sleep again after that. We can only hope he’ll keep that up! Eben is a master diaper changer and has gotten the blanket swaddle down pat. I can’t even tell you how awesome it is that he is so competent at and interested in caring for the baby.
Happy Summer!
Johanna, Eben, & Edison James