We've gotten snow here for the last couple weeks. There is a high of 15 degrees here today and it has been cold for awhile. The pond across the street from our house has frozen. On Saturday we woke up to discover guys ice fishing on it. Later in the day came ice skaters and hockey games. Brrrr. We're having a lot of trouble getting up our sloped, dirt/gravel driveway which we didn't shovel because it is dirt. But now it is super icy. Once we're out of our driveway though the salt and plows keep the roads pretty clear. Needless to say, we just bought plane tickets to go to Florida for Eben's spring break!
This is a picture of Edison going stir crazy.

Here he is trying to escape the house. (just kidding - this was taken in the Connecticut River Museum parking lot on Saturday just as the snow started falling again -but it looks like rain in the photo, I know)

Edison LOVES this crazy buy toy bar. He sits peacefully in his high chair for over thirty minutes at both lunch and dinner because of this thing. Thank you Mike & Sabrina!
All tuckered out in his carseat.
My mom just sent me this one from our Christmas trip to Seattle. Here is Edison with his great grandmother, Bestamor (Norwegian).