Edison turns one tomorrow. In the past week, he took his first steps and said his first word. He is still taking his time before fully walking, but is on his way. I think being stuck on the sailboat is not helping the walking! We came home last night so that Eben could be at a promotion ceremony at work (congratulations, Lt Commander Phillips!). Edison repeated "duck" after me several times while he was in the bath. So, I think "duck" is his first word (at least that we can understand). How funny!
We got back onto the Fearless for another two week vacation segment - lucky us! Edison helped us navigate over to Block Island on Saturday night. We pulled in late and the fog had rolled in. We had to use the radar to navigate because we could scarcely see 50 feet. Definitely tricky - but Eben is a great sailor, so at least I know we'll be okay.

On Sunday morning the sun came out again and we went into the island to the playground. Edison enjoyed lining up pieces of bark. He only put a select few into his mouth. It seems like the "into the mouth" phase is wrapping up (finally!).

We ended up getting a new dinghy for the boat, one that is super stable and easy to maneuver. Edison loves riding in the dinghy - kind of makes up for the lifejacket which really bothers him.

Block Island has a beautiful beach on the east shore. We went early in the morning before the crowds came. Edison crawled all over the place and moved sand around.

He even crawled right into the water. He enjoyed splashing around and playing in the little waves. At some point, clothes just get in the way... I think he finally realizes the water is kind of chilly.