Edison & I flew to Seattle August 11 for a two-week vacation. Edison was such a great pilot, as you can see in the picture below. What was that old tag line from Delta, "we love to fly and it shows?" Actually, this was taken at the children's play area in the Philadelphia airport during a layover. He did pretty well on the long, six-hour flight from Philly to Seattle, sleeping for four hours on my lap. I was actually glad when he woke up because I really needed to stretch my legs! He adjusted to PST pretty well, too. My only complaint was that he caught a cold on the plane, so that put a damper on our fun for the first few days in Seattle.

I got to visit my friend Ashley and her son, Colin (remember him? he was born four days after Edison). As you can see, Colin & Edison both love keys and are getting into everything these days. He has beautiful deep blue eyes and will be quite a looker as he gets older. Ashely and I hope that the boys will get to be friends when Eben & I move back to Mill Creek. But maybe they would be too much of a dynamic duo...

I stayed with my mom in Issaquah. It was great that she was able to spend so much time with Edison (which helped me out a lot). On Friday we went to a local park with my Uncle Floyd and we all took turns kayaking (except for Edison). Edison was really excited to play with the valves on the inflatable kayak. While my mom and Floyd were kayaking, Edison & I explored the park. As you can see, it was wet and pretty chilly (for August). Edison continues to make great strides with his walking and now chooses to walk about 85% of the time when he needs to go mobile.

On Sunday Lisa & I went to Jetty Island in Everett. The west side has a nice sandy beach. At low tide, we could walk really far out into the water with it only getting up to our knees. Edison loved it (of course).

Edison also got to see his Uncle Pete and his girlfriend, Jennie (who was also a classmate of Eben's at the CGA). Edison is wearing the Boeing shirt they got him for his birthday. We had fun at the beach and then had a yummy dinner at a local Thai restaurant. It will be fun to see them again in October for the CGA 1999 10 year reunion.