I'm thinking of switching to a bi-monthly posting schedule. With Eben & I working, the days just aren't quite exciting enough to take five fun pictures a week. Edison, now almost 15 months old, isn't changing as quickly as he used to now that he is entering the toddler stage. So, don't be surprised if the posts drop down to every other week.
Love this one of Edison so happy playing with his toys.

He loves to put this cat toy wand thingy around his neck like a scarf. He thinks it is a real hoot. He's played with it way more than the cats ever did! Eben just worries that he is being a little too effeminate. I say, don't worry about that - he's 14 months old and having fun!

We had people over for a play date last Friday. Edison did not take his morning nap and instead, played like crazy. By lunch time, he was so tired, he fell asleep in his high chair. Awwwwwww - too cute! (I did move him up to his crib right after this photo and he slept a couple of hours until we had to go to the pool.)

Here is Edison playing with the cat toy/scarf. Very hilarious video.