Eben & I didn't get to spend much time at the dinner table. Edison was constantly on the move and we had to track his every move to make sure he didn't fall down stairs, climb up stairs, fall into the fire, eat a tray of cupcakes, etc... We found it much easier to play outside even though it was a little chilly. I think Edison liked being on the motorcycle a lot.
We spent the night at Eben's dad's house. Edison loved taking his bath in the big jacuzzi tub with dad. I mean come on - does it get any better than a bath with dad and lots of buttons?!
On Friday while it POURED rain, we went to the Boston Children's Museum. It is amazing. It probably is most suited for kids around 5-10, but there was plenty for Edison to do there. This picture of him at the helm of a treehouse was taken in a special area for kids 0-3. I love how cautious he is being with his steering.
Another room at the museum was a take off of the Boston Commons. Among other activities, it had a giant chess set. Here, Edison has just captured the opponent's pawn and is on the run. Edison was more interested in moving the big pieces around than learning the game, but you never know where this might lead.