Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We spent Christmas Eve at the Seattle Center - home to the infamous Seattle Space Needle. We actually took the kids up into the Space Needle and surveyed our beautiful city. Edison loved the elevator ride and the exhibit that lets you control a video camera / monitor. This fountain was from the same world's fair that Seattle hosted in 1964. It is synchronized to music (Christmas music this time of year). I think it is so great that it is set up to invite people to come into it and play and check it out.

The Space Needle had a 1960s retro theme event complete with a retro Santa with spaceship. It made for a pretty cool Santa photo!

Christmas morning - the kids were good this year and Santa left them lots of goodies in their stockings. It was a really fun Christmas since Edison can now understand about 90% of what is going on with the celebration. Okay - that might be an overestimate. He knew we were having a big party, wanted to know where the birthday cake was, and was excited to open presents. I guess we'll try to nail down a few more details for next year - like what Christmas IS!

Nothing says Christmas like a red velvet dress and tights with ruffles on the butt.

DJ Edison - mixing it up with Uncle Jason.

It is a Time for Celebrating with Friends!

She played so hard she fell asleep in the Exersaucer! Aw schucks!

All smiley - pretty close to crawling now. She actually did move forward about a foot yesterday, so it won't be too long now until she gets to move at will.

We were able to get together with friends for a few playdates this past week. Being a teacher has its advantages - like two weeks off for Christmas!
This is Charlotte with Ollie, my friend Sara's son. He's a couple months older. They are super cute together - look how they're holding hands!

Looking dapper in Christmas attire.

We were able to meet up with my friends Ashley and Brad. They have two sons, Colin and Pierce. Colin was born a couple days after Edison and Pierce was born a couple weeks before Charlotte. It is really cool to see the "pairs" playing with each other - hard to get everyone to look at the camera, though!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Two Kids

It is sweater "swednesday" in the Phillips household. (carried over from Shorecrest High School traditions...)
Charlotte is able to make a bridge now - up on her hands and feet - almost ready to crawl. I love her little velvet jeans.
Edison & Charlotte react to the good news that the Patriots have clinched a playoff birth.
Naked little kids after their bath. Too funny.
Edison & Charlotte in the Christmas spirit!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December - Starting December Off Right

Kids enjoying some playtime in Charlotte's room. I like to knock out two diaper changes at the same time, hence the state of undress.
Eben & I ran in the Candy Cane Dash last weekend - a little 5K organized to benefit my high school's cross country team. We were joined by Pete & Jennie and Matt. Eben & I did well - he pushed the stroller (thank goodness)! I finished third in my age group and got a medal!
Here's Eben & Matt with all the kids.
This is our four-generation picture we took a few weeks ago. Amazing that all four of us are looking great - maybe it runs in the family.
Here's the kids' Christmas picture. So cute!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Getting Ready for Christmas

Last week was a cold, snowy week here in Seattle. School was cancelled all week (yes - that's how we roll here in Seattle). We ended up setting up the Christmas tree already since we were snowbound. Edison had a fantastic time decorating the tree - he adored the putting up the ornaments but only put them into one little area on the tree - go figure.

We went for a few walks in the snow. It is really fun to go through the golf course which gets taken over by sledding. Edison ended up falling asleep and looked completely peaceful.

We were able to get out of the house by Thanksgiving. My aunt Kirstie had a wonderful meal for us all. Nana had a great time with Charlotte.

Edison put on his Home Depot apron to help make cookies - or should I say "cookoos?" (that is Edison speak)

Our friends, Matt & Jill invited us to the Seahawks game on Sunday. We had a great time. Thanks for babysitting, Nana! Oh - did I mention that they were Kansas City fans? Eben even made his own sweatshirt to support KC QB Matt Cassel. I had to represent for the Seahawks.

The stadium was beautiful and it was fun to explore.

There were great views of the city and the Puget Sound from the stadium.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Snow Days

Two kids clowning with spoons.

Charlotte is eating: rice cereal, bananas, sweet potatoes and avocado now. She's doing great with it.

We have had snow days Mon, Tues, and Weds this week. We went for a walk this afternoon, got the kids all bundled up. Edison loves getting in the photo with Charlotte.

Here's a photo from our arrival back to the house. Note how cute Charlotte's kitten mittens are - ha ha! So intent on the hands.

She loves her Exersaucer.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Playing Around

The kids are playing together a little now that Charlotte can hang out on her tummy and turn this way and that. No crawling yet, though.
She's been eating a lot of rice cereal, but really like the banana and sweet potatoes she had today.
Had to take this picture of the cute outfit - I Love Cats. Thanks Jennie & Chrys!
Charlotte loves tummy time these days - and I can't get over those baby blues!
With the kids tonight - nothing quite like having a baby fall asleep in your arms.

Monday, November 8, 2010

November - Birthday Party

Charlotte now regularly sits in the high chair and eats rice cereal. She can't really sit up straight very well, so she leans to her left a lot. She is also still working on actually swallowing the food. But she seems to really like having her own seat at the table.

We had a family birthday party on Saturday for my grandmother, mom, and Eben - all of whom had birthdays in the past two weeks. What is it with me and Scorpios?!

Edison was giddy with excitement and anticipation for the eating of the birthday cake. He was actually giggling in little uncontrollable bursts when it was mentioned and when he finally got a piece to eat. It was wonderful of Eben's Aunt Beth to make the long drive up for the occasion and meet Charlotte..

Charlotte with her Auntie Kirstie.

Charlotte looking beautiful in her crib. She now likes to sleep on her stomach. I can't keep her in a sleep sack (sleeping bag with arm holes) because she gets all bunched up in it - she likes to move and roll around. She is much happier (and doesn't wake me up as much) in warm jammies that allow for lots of motion.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

We went to the pumpkin patch yesterday and had a lot of fun. It was a beautiful day down in the Snohomish Valley.

Awww - Charlotte and the sunflowers!

Edison surveying the pumpkin options.

Today we went down to the Mill Creek Town Center for trick or treating. Sweet little bee.

Edison did not want to dress up for Halloween - I asked him every time we'd go into a store this past month. It wasn't until he saw this giraffe costume that he changed his mind. I think it was a brilliant choice on his part.

Edison wanted to hold Charlotte - you can tell he loves it.

All cuddled up.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Mid October

As of today, Charlotte is now 5 months old. She has begun to enjoy the Exersaucer. I think she likes her independence and the feel of her legs under her.

Edison has been nice enough to sit with her and show her how the toys work.

Eben and our friend Matt have replaced all the old aluminum windows on our house with cozy new vinyl models. There is a noticeable difference in the comfort of our house. But - it was a humongous project (as you can see here). I am very appreciative of their efforts.

Charlotte is spending more time on her tummy. She can roll both ways, but is better going back to tummy.

How on earth did my children both end up with blue eyes? Eben says his genes are just too potent....