Last week was Spring Break. Eben took off a couple days of work and we had a mini-vacation in our own back yard. We rode the ferry up to San Juan Island.

Edison enjoyed exploring the ferry boat. I remember doing the same thing when I was his age. The narrow passage through the islands was gorgeous.

What a great idea - they actually have a built in steering wheel on the observation deck for kiddos.

We stayed in a "historic cottage" at the Roche Harbor Resort. It is a sailing mecca in the summertime, built on property that was once a lime processing area. This was worker housing.

Edison loved playing with the front door key. I thought it made for a beautiful picture.

The cottage was actually super cute and livable on the inside.

This is just outside our front porch. In the summertime the harbor is packed.

Edison is excited to spend some time on the playground.

Two kids on swings, having a great time.

Ahhhhh - sunset and the kids are in bed. Eben brought his bike along and got some great riding done while we were on the island.

The view at sunset - note the picture perfect Canadian Geese flying through.

In front of the old lime furnaces they have built boche ball courts. Edison really doesn't understand the concept of the game, but likes to roll the balls around anyway.

One happy baby girl!