We are happy to announce that Eben's new job will be here in Seattle as the Port Engineer for the Heavy-Duty Polar Ice Breakers. We are hoping it will mean four years here in Seattle, in our house, with our family, and I can keep my job! We are a little sad not to have to move to Miami, though - but definitely not missing Baltimore (our other two options).
When we found out we were staying, I immediately rearranged our rooms. Edison got a twin bed - with a slide and a fort underneath - which he loves!

And Charlotte was moved out of the "loft" nursery and into our former guest room. I think the light turquoise walls turned out really well. Don't worry - we are setting up another guest room - with a king bed - and are hoping for lots of visitors. We can take you skiing in winter and boating in the San Juans in the summer - definitely think about it!

But mostly it has been great having the kids located next to each other now and not two floors apart!

We had our first of hopefully many playdates with Auntie Jennie and cousin Alton last Friday. He is now four weeks old and a really cool baby - interested in looking around, loves to cuddle, and generally contented most of the time. It was wonderful to hold him a lot - I do miss newborns! But Edison is still a little scared of the baby and didn't want to be in the picture with him.

We went out for a "date night" on Saturday to a school auction and Eben ended up winning the "Shorecrest Trivia" competition. We took home a fantastic prize: a night's stay at the Tulalip Casino and $250 to gamble with. We are definitely excited to head up there. Plus - the Boosters raised a lot of money to support our extracurricular programs and it was a fun evening with friends and colleagues. The next morning, the kids found our dress up shoes and had fun doing the "runway" with them. Charlotte never faltered in heels believe it or not.