Edison has been playing flag football this fall. Eben is helping coach the team. Edison is getting a chance to put all of his skills to the test and have some real-game practices each week which he enjoys.
Team sportsman of the week!
Meanwhile, Charlotte is honing her cheerleading skills at the Little Scotties cheer camp before the Friday Shorecrest game. She had a blast!
On Eben's "to do" list for the cabin was to drop three dead trees and get them split so they could start drying. He spent several days at it, but finally got them all cut up and stacked up near the house. We have enough wood for three winters I think and Eben got it off the list!
The pay off was a great fire Saturday night!
This time of year is spectacularly beautiful up in Plain. There is a fresh dusting of snow on the mountains and this sunrise pink light hit them and just set them aglow.
Reed was excited to receive a belated birthday present from Floyd and Kathie - a great activity book and board game set. Yay! Thank you!