Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dog Days of Summer

Edison wearing "big boy" clothes - well, just a monstrous pair of shorts to cover up his diaper. Looking older, though. We weighed him in at 13.5 pounds a couple days ago.
There are my boys! Edison's ears aren't that huge - it's just dad's hands behind his head that make them look that big.

Edison had his first swim in a co-worker's hot (but not too hot) tub. He was very relaxed and seemed to enjoy it. After his big swim, he slept very soundly. I think his swim trunk diapers are fabulous. Maybe you can tell from this picture, but he is starting to hold his head up on his own more and more now.

1 comment:

Alison and Karen said...

Awwww! Future Olympian!! He is so big, and so darn cute! Hope you guys are getting settled into your new place!