Edison was really excited to get back to his playroom after 10 days on the boat. I was amazed that he has suddenly figured out how to use four of the toys that had mystified him only a couple weeks ago. He is finally moving the little beads around on the three-track bead maze thingy. He is also able to put a ball into an opening to get the toy to do something cool - there are three variations on this theme. In one (as seen in the video) the ball drops down a ramp and then lands on a button that triggers a song. In another, a song plays when the ball goes through the opening. In the last one, the ball is pushed down a hole and goes through a little obstacle course. I was so excited to see that he can play with these toys now. He just kept repeating the action with the ball over and over on the toys.
Other firsts: 1) Edison is starting to feed himself with a spoon - pictures and video next week, 2) he waves "bye bye" - too bad he waits to do it until after the person is already gone, 3) has stood on his own for short bits of time (a second here, a couple seconds there), and 4) had his first visit to the dentist - and passed with flying colors. Go baby, go!!!
This is how Edison spends his time in the cockpit of the boat - just catching up on his summer reading.

All that sitting can get you knotted up, Edison relieves the stiffness with the "downward dog" yoga pose.

Have I mentioned that he is getting INTO everything these days? Literally...

But you can't get upset with him when he looks at you with those baby blues. (I love the throwback owl & pussycat jumper. Not sure who gave us this hand-me-down, but I adore it - thanks!)

Edison & Tomer, tearing it up in Tomer's playroom and planning their great escape.
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