In the midst of an insane Homecoming week, I was able to stay with the kids on Wednesday and spend quality time together. I love it when Edison and Charlotte are getting along!

Check out Charlotte's pony tail. Her hair is growing so fast!

We also took Edison to the dentist. He was hesitant to open up and had to be chided with potential loss of an evening cartoon in order to cooperate. When the check up was over, he picked a green plastic ring out of the prize box and then we went to Starbucks for a treat - he chose a mini pink donut and a chocolate milk - don't tell the dentist!

Have I mentioned yet how happy I am that tunics are "in" this year? It helps Charlotte get a little more wear out of her dresses. She intently tears apart the kitchen just about every meal...

These balloons from our neighbor were a huge hit with the kids.

Oh so stylish.

Nana came up Friday and stayed through Sunday to help with the kids while I was working tons of overtime (Homecoming assembly set up, assembly, clean up, football game, halftime show, dance set up, dance, dance clean up....). The kids were elated to spend time with Nana again. They even wanted to dress like her on Saturday.

Nana shared her love of the piano with the kids. Edison likes to listen to Nana play and he tries to sing along. Charlotte likes to pound on the keys herself.
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