While our kids stayed home with Nana, followed by Matt & Lisa, we enjoyed an awesome trip to DC for Bill & Katie Woityra's wedding. (Note - Edison insists on wearing the giraffe outfit all the time now.)

We got to spend the weekend with our Coast Guard friends. Eben loved being back with the guys. This was our hangout for the weekend, RJ's house.

The gang before we headed out: Eben, Paul, Craig, Josh, RJ & Ratch.

With my hubby - all dressed up for a change!

Craig, Bill (the groom), Eben & RJ.

Bill & Katie hosted an amazing pre-wedding eve party at Marvin in DC.

Craig & RJ.

My buddy for the weekend, Wally. The only other lady amongst these guys.

At the wedding reception. It was a grand affair and the bride & groom are so happy and in love.

Fun to have a giant "date weekend" for a change!

Paul, Eben, Craig, RJ, and Josh.

At the after-party.

And, as RJ calls it, the after-after party at his house. We had a blast playing Rock Band.

We were on fire!

Last ones standing... nice duets RJ!