My very fabulous cousin Matt came out from Boston for a visit this week. He braved a cross-country plane ride and we are so happy that he is here.

We went skiing Monday at Stevens Pass and enjoyed some great snow up on 7th Heaven. Thanks to Nana for watching the kids!

On Tuesday Matt & I took the kids to the Woodland Park Zoo. The highlight was a yummy lunch at Kidd Valley. Too bad Edison forgot his jacket there. Luckily my friend Sara grabbed it later that night and we'll get it back Friday! Charlotte was sporting a super cute pink sweatsuit that was a Christmas present from our terrific neighbor Marlene.

Matt has been an absolute peach when it comes to playing with the kids. And this has had the benefit of the kids really taking to him. Edison even called him his "friend" - a status that less than five people have ever attained.

We got the kids helmets for Christmas. Edison had one that I ran over with the van. Oops!

Charlotte calls it a "hat" and actually likes wearing it - yippi!

Playing with the new marble race!
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