Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter - Part 1

We went to our first Mill Creek Easter Egg Hunt at Heron Park this year. Charlotte was a bit wary of the bunny and Edison stayed as far away as possible.
To convince Charlotte to pick up eggs, I had to sing the "Everybody Clean Up" song. At that point, she realized she was supposed to put them into her basket.
We met Grace & Amy there for some extra fun.
We have been fortunate to have had decent weather this weekend. The kids' new favorite past time is taking their cars out for a spin.

We went out on the town to celebrate my birthday. My dad did a great job of watching Edison & Charlotte Saturday night - even enlisting a wrench to rescue Edison's knee from an awkward stuck position in his bed railing.
This lovely Easter Basket was given by our fabulous neighbor Marlene.
Edison enjoys being daddy's helper. The two of them finished this gate so that we can keep our boat at Marlene's house - proving again why she is such a great neighbor!

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