Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Beach Days, Father's Day, Big Announcement

This was round two of the Hello Kitty watch. The first one got water condensation in it on its first use. This one came with clips - very cute. Unfortunately its face got all scratched up on its first use. We tried a third time and ended up with one whose time didn't set. So.... no watch for now.
 Dress up!
 Last weekend, we went to Jetty Island with my mom, Pete, Jennie and Alton and also Matt and Lisa.  What fun! Note: this picture was taken a half-step before Alton ruined Charlotte's sandwich.

 Jellyfish! No one told Edison and Charlotte they are gross or scary. These are moon jellies and not poisonous, so totally fine to pick up. They are braver than I!
Getting ready for Sara McManus's graduation party!
 With the new Master of Counseling from SPU - Sara McManus! We are excited she got a full time job at Wenatchee High School and will be living east of the mountains starting in the fall.
 Edison loved this puppy at the grad party.
 With their new friend, Nolan. He is also three and the grandchild of Shorecrest High School's French teacher, Mary Peters.
 Happy Father's Day, daddy! Look at the awesome picture Edison painted!

 One more beach day on Father's Day - getting ready to land. Edison wanted to be helpful.

 Big Announcement: I'm five months pregnant. Eben and I are expecting our third child in early October!

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