Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Last Week of Summer Vacation

We spent another couple nights at the cabin last weekend. We got a ton of projects wrapped up: new door on kids' room, new paint in hallway, flooring finished in kids' room, etc. But of course, it was the afternoon at the beach that makes for the best pictures.
 Eben is considering doing a triathlon with Meg and Chris in a few weeks, so he practiced his open water swim here.

 We returned home Sunday so that Eben could take the kids fishing while I got to sit on the beach at Jetty Island. Thanks to Matt and Lisa for letting us use the orange Whaler.

 I spent the last week of summer wrapping up my to do list and taking the kids to their favorite spots one last time. Here we are at the spray park at Willis Tucker Park. The kids enjoyed playing water squirters with each other.
 One last time to the Children's Museum - they loved hamming it up on the stage.

And Edison and Charlotte were finally helpful enough that we were able to build them each an airplane for the first time. They got all the parts and helped assemble it at each step.

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