We are starting to get settled here at home. But we are far short of figuring out a routine. As a preemie, Reed runs out of energy quickly - sometimes while nursing or after strenuous activities such as bathing. Then he might refuse to eat and instead sleeps for five hours. The lack of a consistent routine makes it hard for me to plan any activities outside the house. Indeed, our only outings have involved seeing the doctor daily for weight and biliruben checks. Today he finally showed weight gain for the first ti,e since he was born - phew! But the doctor still wants him to gain three more ounces by Monday. On the plus side - Reed usually has one longer (30-40 minute) awake period each day. That has let me start to get a few photos of him that show what a cutie he is becoming!

He likes tummy time and can even pick up his head and move it to the other side when he is motivated.
With Nana...
Getting a visit and a cuddle from Great-Aunt Kirstie.First bath at home.... ahhhh.
Does this capture how tiny he is?
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