Sunday, October 13, 2013

Charlotte Loses the Training Wheels!

This week Charlotte ditched the training wheels! Hard to believe she isn't even three-and-a-half and she's riding like a pro.
 And Edison moved up to a bigger bike handed down by our neighbors.

 We celebrated Grand Daddy's birthday this week with a yummy lemon meringue pie.
 Thanks for the cute outfits, Tina!
 He has started to enjoy his baths. As you can see - - - he IS gaining weight. At his check up this week he is now up to 6 lbs, 15 oz! That made him 7lb even for his due date of October 12th!
 Just a little light reading....

 Eben invited his friend Paul out from work. With is killer truck, they picked up a lot more of the wood around the property.
 Now that swimming is out of the question, the remote control boat is a fun beach activity.

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