Saturday, February 22, 2014

A Very Snowy Midwinter Break!

We always envisioned how cool it would be to have a mountain cabin as a base for playing in the snow. After a slow start to winter, we got a huge dumping of snow - about three feet in three days - and were fortunate enough to be at the cabin for six days to enjoy it with Granddaddy David here, too. In the picture below, you can't even see the Crown Vic to the left of the Durango, because it is so buried in snow. Eben and I went snowshoeing right out the front door.

The kids went out to play in the snow morning, noon, and night - especially liking the sledding track in the yard.

 Edison is also getting good with a snow shovel, helping daddy dig out the windows.
Reed and I spent a lot of time inside, just looking out the windows at the beautiful snow-covered pine trees.

Matt came over to watch the kids one day so that Eben and I could go skiing. There was a TON of fresh powder at Stevens Pass and we had an amazing day skiing, thanks to Matt. It dumped all day - we had to push the car out of the parking lot.
Back at home, Matt and Eben built a 10 foot tall snowman.

 Finally it stopped snowing and the sun came out!

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