Monday, March 17, 2014

MARCH - A Visit from Aunt Karen

Happy brothers! I got them coordinating jammies - finally fulfilling a longstanding wish!

 Karen came out to the cabin last weekend. She was amazing with the kids and we had a blast sledding and playing outside.

 Reed adores eating his baby food and I think he also really likes sitting at the table with the rest of us at meals. He is finally sorting out a regular schedule with nap times!
 I took Reed to a three-day conference in the Tri-Cities with me this past week. It was way harder than I thought to balance his needs with the conference schedule. But as it was the state Activities Coordinator conference, I didn't want to miss it and I was glad I went. I presented a session on "ASB Justices, Electronic Voting, and How to Hold a Constitutional Convention to rewrite an ASB Constitution." It definitely doesn't sound interesting, but I actually had a full room and am glad I could share what I've learned on those topics.
 Rather than doing the conference social hour on Thursday, Reed and I got some pool time. He loved it!

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