We attempted first day of school pictures, but somehow, that first day was kind of crazy. So here is a day #2 picture. Edison (6) is starting kindergarten at Lake Forest Park, Elementary. Charlotte is in preschool and Reed is in the Toddler 1 room at LFP Montessori. Edison actually didn't have school on this particular day as they do a "slow start" with kindergarten classes and his first day was actually Thursday.

And Charlotte needed her solo picture, too. Yes - she is dressing herself these days.
I wanted to get a picture of Edison getting off the school bus on his first day. But - he didn't get off! I had to run after the bus (with Reed under my arm and Charlotte on a bicycle) to the next bus stop and wave down the driver. At kindergarten orientation they assured us that kindergarteners got special treatment, rode in the front seats, etc. He was wearing a tag with his name and bus stop on it. Alas - this was not the case. The bus driver didn't know he was in kindergarten (despite the giant "K" tag on his backpack), because the "loader" hadn't told him (that and maybe Edison is kind of bigger than your average kindergartener). Anyway - I did get him off the bus and I think we'll have smooth sailing from this point forward. So - this is the second day of getting off the bus - much better!
Thank you to Sara for bestowing upon Reed this amazing walker. He loves using it to keep up with Charlotte and Edison in the driveway.
Not sure if I've mentioned this before, but this really has been the best summer, weather-wise, that I can remember. This weekend was mid-80s both days and we spent our spare time at the beach after playing catch up from a crazy week that included not only our first week of school, but also our plumbing going out and having to call two different plumbers out to repair it.Oh yes- and GO PATS! It is football season again!
This is how amazing our new camera is - no, Charlotte is not floating in the air.
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