Monday, May 9, 2016

MAY - Reunited and it Feels So Good

We got back into the swing of things on Monday with a return to school. Reed was very happy to reconnect with Mia.
Charlotte's class went on a fun field trip to the Seattle Aquarium. Joy chaperoned this fun group: Mason, Charlotte, Keely & Cade.

Edison earned gold medal for reading for the amount of time he spent reading during the Read-A-Thon!

At the cabin that weekend, we were able to borrow Kim and Dave's raft and we went out on the Wenatchee for the first time in a couple years. The kids aren't quite ready to raft this early in the season with the cooler air temperatures and bigger water. But we will get them out later for some easy floats.

Mike and Zach joined us out there and Matt rode his motorcycle over just to watch the kids for the day. What a guy! We also met up with our longtime friend, Brett, who joined us in his kayak.
The scenery was breathtaking.
We even got a surprise visit from Jay, Sara, and baby Josie at the take out! Josie is only few weeks old and was so precious!
Our valley is beautiful this time of year, especially at twilight.

That night Eric and Joseph came out to the cabin, too. These boys just have way too much fun together!
It was a lovely weekend at home on Sunday afternoon. Charlotte has discovered her new favorite happy place - up in this tree. She is the only kid who can climb that far up, so it is a nice spot to get some peace and quiet from her brothers.

We finished off the perfect weekend with dinner with Megan and Chris and their boys. It was just a lovely time all around and the kids had a blast!

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