Our plan is to always have our February midwinter break week here at the cabin. We were fortunate to have good friends come visit us. Charlotte and Margaret played so well together, as did Reed and Joseph. Meanwhile the grown ups had a lively game of charades together.

We also wanted to spend time this week doing activities we don't usually squeeze into a weekend trip. We went snowshoeing on the south shore of Lake Wenatchee, basically parking the car where the road stopped being plowed and just hiking the rest of the way to the lake. The kids did awesome and it was really nice of Eben to schlep Reed in the backpack the whole time. The snow was falling like crazy and it was just such an enjoyable and peaceful time in the woods.
When we got to the lake, we found it frozen over with about six inches of snow on top with giant cloud sitting right on top. It wasn't what we expected and from the people we've talked to it appears to be fairly rare for the lake to freeze all the way over - probably due this year to our very cold January.
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