Monday, December 14, 2020

Remote Learning Week .......?!

 I have lost count of Remote Learning - at some point it all just blends together. We try to have fun with it though and there are many things that add variety and spice to our days. Like playing on Zoom together.

Or putting together our Christmas cards - the kids did such a great job offering to help!

Reed is doing a great job of taking care of Loopie, his blue, furry stuffed animal. You can now find Loopie joining us on our morning walks in his backpack.

We are incredibly proud of Reed for earning Student of the Month in December! There was a great virtual assembly in which he was recognized by his teacher, Cally, for all his hard work and improvement in school over the past month.

We had Family Fun night on Friday, complete with a cozy fire. We made our own pizza, played a few games that the kids picked and relaxed to a movie at the end of the night.

Reed's teacher does an incredible job at putting art kits together for different projects. Reed had fun making his snowman.

Reed is also very much into building forts right now. Extra cozy.

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