Tuesday, September 19, 2023

2023-2024 School Year Kicks Off!

Happy First Day of School 2023. Edison is now my carpool buddy!
I wore Red for Ed because my SESPA support staff colleagues are working without a contract. I was also working without a contract and no pay for the outside of school day activities and events (ELO).
I am pleased to announce within the first week of school SESPA ratified a contract and ELO was funded. Phew! We are now able to start the year off right!

In the first 10 days of school I got to take ASB/Leadership to an Envolve Training led by my friend Scott Backovich which was really impactful. We also had an over-the-top Fall Pep Assembly that left me feeling goosebumps - Shorecrest Spirit has returned in force!


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