My computer's hard drive crashed this week. I lost all my data, but on the positive side have a new hard drive & newer versions of all my programs - thanks to the warranty. I also had backed up a month ago, so ALL is not lost - but I did lose my pictures from most of my mother's visit. BUMMER. Here are a few that survived from our last couple days together...
To celebrate my mom's birthday, we went to a cute ice cream & sandwich shop in Old Lyme, the town to our west. We had a nice lunch & then went to the Florence Griswold Museum. We saw a fantastic collection of Betsy Potter Vonnoh sculpture, and early American impressionism (which apparently was centered RIGHT HERE in CT - who knew?!).

Is this the cutest jacket or what? Okay - maybe it is Edison's smile that is so wonderful.

Edison with his Nana.

She has the magic touch. (Note, Edison is going to be too big for the Coast Guard "uniform" very soon - maybe already actually.)

I love my sweet little boy!
1 comment:
Oh my gosh, Johanna. Edison is perfect. His smile is already amazing, but add to it those dimples, and you've got a killer combination. I love all the pictures! And it sounds like Connecticut is agreeing with you - you're surrounded by family almost all the time. That said, Colin can't wait for you guys to come back so he can have a playmate.
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