Edison absolutely adores being on his feet. He loves to get a little help with standing up, but once he's standing, he is so proud of himself and enjoys the new perspective on his world. Ummmm, can I get a little help with the pedals, please? Wait ---What do you mean I need a license?

My mom is in town to visit for the next few weeks. It is so wonderful to have her here. She is bonding with Edison and helping me out so much around the house.
And for Halloween - look what we discovered on the beach. He must have gotten caught up in the Gulf Stream.

Giddey Up! Eben gave extra credit to his students so that he could borrow a Halloween costume. (He's a horse.) Edison now has a bedtime of 7:30, so Nana looked after Edison while we enjoyed our FIRST NIGHT OUT in four months! (We lasted until 11.)

Twins? Devito & Shwarzenegger have nothing on these two. Eben WISHES he had those sweet football Robeez shoes. Hey - how is Shwarzenegger spelled anyway?

I have been doing a lot of swimming lately. Edison hangs out in his carseat at the end of my lap lane. I have been taking him in the pool for 15 minutes at the end of each of my workouts. He is getting quite used to the water. We're very slowly working up to getting head wet and then putting his face in the water. The first steps are just to make sure he is comfortable in the pool. As you can see from his picture with Nana, he is doing very well. Of course, all of my fellow swimmers absolutely adore having him at the pool each day. He is quite a ladies' man.
Hey Ms. Phillips!
Just wanted to let you know that I've been following your blog and am loving the pictures. It seems weird to say this, but you were such an easy teacher now that I look back on last year. Compared with AP European History this year, your class was a piece of cake! It just seemed hard at the moment! haha AP Euro is an extremely tough class but people keep telling me that it will be beneficial in the future...well anyway i hope to see you in seattle sometime!
I can't wait to do this with my future children!! I've been swimming a ton lately and did a masters meet a few weeks ago. Keep it up!!
Not sure if you'll see this - I can't find a way to reply to you. Anyway, so happy to hear that you are doing well. I agree that you will find AP Euro totally relevant as you progress through your academic career, so try to store away as much info as you can! I should be swinging by SC in February with Edison, so will look forward to seeing you! - Mrs. Phillips
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