Thursday, April 9, 2009

Brrr - baby it's cold outside!

Maybe rafting in upstate New York the first weekend in April is not such a good idea after all. You know what they say, "hind sight is 20-20." In this case, the weather report would have been a pretty good indicator, too. After a beautiful few days (which melted the snow pack), a dumping of rain (which began to flood the rivers), it finally decided to snow on us during our rafting trip. We were supposed to raft the gorge section of the Moose River, but apparently it was too high to be commercially rafted, so we switched to the Hudson River (10 miles from its source in the Adirondacks - not the yucky end in NYC). The Hudson was at 8-3, and is not rafted commercially above 8-5 (or so I'm told), so it was BIG water. I don't know if any of us actually enjoyed it, because we were literally frozen. I'm talking stumpy feet that are useless to walk on, fingers that can't work (I tried to give the guide my email to hook him up with WA rafting, but could not write - no exaggeration). Anyway, I think we have finally thawed out.
Thank you to Josh for organizing the trip (I think). And to Eben for providing the entertainment (fell out 4 times). Oh - and to the raft company for thinking to supply neoprene gloves.

Lyndsey & I - This is not our most fashion forward moment, but hey, on the river it is function BEFORE fashion!


I'm sure there are a thousand possible hilarious subtitles for this picture, but I am suffering from brain freeze (see above paragraph for an explanation).
Edison with his lady friend, Wynnie. Thank you so much to Jon & Stacy for watching Edison while Eben & I went rafting. He had a blast & you really put our minds at ease!
Our uncle, Peter, came to visit this past week. We had a great time playing three-handed spades. He brought a laugh-out-loud funny book for us, Dave Barry's Guide to Life. Thanks, Peter!

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