Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 2009 - Edison is 9 Months Old!

It is hard to believe that Edison is now nine months old. Being pregnant for nine months felt like a long stretch at the time. And it was amazing to think he went from two cells to a 7 lb baby in that time. But watching him grow and develop here in the outside world for nine months has been incredible. In some ways the time has flown by (wow - he looks so different than when he was a newborn), while in others it seems to lag (crying again?!). Here's a newborn shot to help you remember how far he has come:

He has achieved several notable milestones of late: 1) can climb stairs, 2) can feed self Cheerios, 3) SLEEPS THROUGH THE NIGHT (mostly)! As you can see, I am ecstatic about milestone #3. Illustration of Edison's favorite sleeping position - light's out, butt up.


So cute! (The cut above his left eye is from slipping while holding onto a baby gate - his stockinged feet did not have traction, slid out from under him while he was jiggling on the gate, and his head hit the bars on the gate. Luckily it looks worse than it is.)

He can sit on his knees now, too.



1 comment:

Main Family said...

We want videos of spaghetti with sauce.