Talk about a pretty, pretty princess!
Here is Charlotte with her boyfriend Ollie (now 4.5 mos). They had a nice morning doing side-by-side activity gym moves.
Edison is now sleeping in a toddler bed (since he can climb out of his crib). We are still working out the kinks - most nights he does make it under the blanket. But when I checked on him last Wednesday, it was clear he'd stayed up late reading his Barney book and then fallen asleep in that funny position.
She is definitely a giggler now. She had her two month check up Wednesday and is 90% for height and weight (13.5 lbs and 24"). The doctor is impressed with how she is thriving! Sometimes we're so busy here we don't always notice the little changes in Charlotte, but she can hold up her head on her own and can roll over. She can also sit by herself in the "Bumbo" chair. I can't believe how much she has grown in these past 10 weeks!
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