Monday, July 29, 2013

Cabin with Nana and Learning to Throw a Football

We squeezed in a quick visit to the cabin after the sailing trip. Eben installed a hardwood floor in the kids' room - pictures soon! Edison loved using the remote control boat at Lake Wenatchee.
 We finally made it down to the swimming hole in the Wenatchee River across the street from our house. (Notice the infamous pedestrian bridge in the background that we use to walk into town.) Lots of people float this stretch in innertubes this time of year - now that the water has gone down.
 Edison finished a 500 piece puzzle! (okay - 499 since one piece was missing) Wow!
 We played with Alton
 And tried to keep up our yard a little bit. The hydrangeas are amazing this year!
 Edison got some tips on how to throw the football.

 Still need to work on catching technique!

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