We celebrated Father's Day at the vacation rental. The kids both made nice projects at school to bring to dad. After a pleasant breakfast we headed a mile down the road to Richmond Beach on the Sound. It was a nice day for a beach walk - or in Reed's case, a beach sit.
The Shorecrest High School graduation ceremonies are always on the same day as Father's Day - totally a bummer as it means it is hard to spend quality time with both Eben and my own father. Despite that hassle, it really is a fabulous occasion. I started as Activity Coordinator when the class of 2014 entered as freshmen, so it really is a special group of students to me, especially my ASB officers and leadership students like Remy as well as Tyler, Willa, Ben, Madeline and Busayo. They are going on to really cool things and I will certainly miss seeing them at Shorecrest! They gave me a really great moment, too, when at the end of the year "moving up" assembly, called Caen Laida in Gaelic, my ASB officers thanked me and I got a standing ovation from the school. That was definitely a highlight of my career!

Other cute pictures from our time at the vacation rental include Reed really getting excited about carrots and a lovely one of all three kids in the yard together enjoying the afternoon. Edison and Charlotte were able to pick a bunch of raspberries while we were there and Reed kept them company - totally idyllic.
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