Monday, June 9, 2014

Sibiling Love and Our Anniversary

 We have been having amazing weather here - 70s and sunny every day. It has really let us enjoy the final month in our house.
 Charlotte and Edison do such a nice job playing with Reed. They also like to help feed him Cheerios and other baby food.
 So proud of the fort they made!
It was our twelve-year wedding anniversary and we celebrated by going out to a fancy dinner on the Everett waterfront.
 Meg and Chris were kind enough to watch our kids. Reed and daddy wore their matching outfits. Hard to believe how much our lives have changed in these twelve years together! I couldn't have asked for a better partner!
Edison and Charlotte have grown so much this year. Edison moved up into a bigger bike and so did Charlotte. She inherited Edison's bike, but it got a girly make over with a Strawberry Shortcake seat.
 Charlotte loves playing with her little brother. It is moments like these that make all the chaos of family life worth it!

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