One of my favorite days of our school year: Caen Laida. It is our Moving Forward Assembly and we celebrate the graduating seniors and look ahead to the year to come. This year I had all four of my former ASB Presidents come back for the event: Ethan, Ben, David and Skylar. So wonderful!

Charlotte "graduated" pre-school this week. Her school had a very nice picnic that night and Charlotte got her face painted for the first time.
On Friday, school let out and we headed straight to the cabin after Eben got back from Alaska that night.
We went hiking to Twin Lakes Saturday morning. It was 2 miles on an old logging road and then half a mile more on a trail through the woods. There were tons of butterflies and wildflowers along the way. Not to mention - there were two bears! One we saw from the car and the other was on the trail on our way out. We made a lot of racket and scared it away. It was pretty exciting.
This was the east end of the Twin Lakes - a nice stop for lunch. After lunch, we explored a little ways along the south shore and found an awesome swimming beach with super soft sand and it wasn't even very chilly.
Afterwards, we went back to the cabin and spent the rest of the afternoon in the swimming hole on the Wenatchee River by our house. The kids (and Eben) had fun jumping off the big rock.On Sunday we left the cabin and drove up the dirt road through Mill Valley which goes through the back side of Stevens Pass. It was an amazing ride up - very bony. We wanted to get up to the ridge line and then hike a mile and a half out to Lake Susan Jane, but the road got too rough. We ended up parking at the big bend on the Outer Limits Run, then walked up and had lunch overlooking the valley where we are usually skiing.
Finally, as it was Father's Day - we headed back home and spent the evening with my dad at the Civic Club. Take out Thai food completed a wonderful day and it was a great way to celebrate these two wonderful fathers.
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