Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Charlotte's Concert, Graduation, and Father's Day

Charlotte just had her kindergarten concert in June. She was beaming and knew every word and every hand motion! She even had a speaking part and nailed it!

She also did an amazing job on her Orca Whale report. She works so hard on her assignments, it is really rewarding to see.
 As this school year ends, I have to bid farewell to this beautiful and talented crew of senior ladies of Shorecrest ASB - McKenna, Megan, and Sophie. I loved every minute of working with them and their futures are SO bright!
 With Megan at graduation! She is Gonzaga-bound!
 Happy Father's Day, Eben! You are so loved by all of us. The amount of gifts the kids produced this year was quite impressive. But hey - they love dad just that much!
Lastly - here is the core group of the LFP book club! We've been meeting since the winter and I look forward to these evenings so much! June's book was "Night Circus" and we got together on the Solstice in Natalie's garden. It was an enchanting night which perfectly matched the book.

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