Sunday, April 23, 2017

Spring Break Day 3 - Hole in the Rock

Day 3 (Sunday, April 16, 2017): Exploring Hole in the Rock and Playing at the Campsite
Hole in the Rock Trail was a few miles south of the Escalante Arm. It is a cleft in the steep canyon walls that enables people to hike up from the lake to the mesa and vice versa. One hundred years ago, a group of Mormon pioneers used it to bring their wagons down the canyon and out the other side to a settlement on the other side of the canyon. How they managed to do that is beyond me! We had difficulty hiking up it with our backpacks on (granted Reed was in one of the backpacks!). On the day we were there we saw several hikers packing out of the lake who had inflatable kayaks as well as their camping gear in their packs. We made it most of the way up before it began to seem like crawling over the boulders and up into the narrows was a little dangerous for the kids, not to mention it was 80 degrees and we were HOT. So we found a nice large boulder for a picnic lunch, hiked back down, and Eben went swimming at the end. After that, we headed back to the campsite and let the kids swim and play on the sandy beach. At this point, it is beginning to feel like a vacation! Reed put himself to bed early and the rest of us played Spades and then enjoyed the many, many stars and a warm campfire before turning in for the night.
Hole in the Wall

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