Monday, August 20, 2018

Sunshine Coast Trip Part 4: Jedidiah Island

After Pender Harbour we headed across the strait, past the south end of Texada Island, to Jedidiah Island. On our way we passed this giant sleeping Sea Lion.
Jedidiah Island became a Marine Park in 1995 after the previous owners sold it to the government. Like Sucia Island, there are many coves, trails and much to explore.
Because the island was a homestead for more than 100 years, there are now feral goats and sheep on the island - we were fortunate to catch glimpses of both.
Can you spot the three goats?
Our cozy corner of Whiterock Cove and a campsite in the trees.

Sunset point!

Late afternoon jumping off the boat to cool down.

A quiet sunset.
Hiking around the island - this was a very large Douglas Fir.
Discovering the meadow - what was once the fields of the farm.

The barn and the orchard. We found apple, pear, and plum trees. The fruit wasn't quite ready, though.

Home Bay - looking across, there was a sandy beach and kayak camp that we'd love to come back to.
The wooly sheep!

Instead of backtracking, we forged our own path and ended up climbing up to this lovely view.
Crazy mossy hillside.
After lunch we took the Whaler over to the far side of Lasqueti Island to the northwest. These cute seals were on the Finnerty Islands.
A lovely spot for popsicles at the end of the dock.
Back to Jedidiah for sunset.

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Micheal Alexander said...
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