Saturday, February 1, 2020

Cabin with Auntie Karen and Hanging with Cousins

We went over to the cabin with Auntie Karen January 10-12. The snow was coming down like crazy on the drive over. But it was calm and peaceful at the cabin.

 Saturday morning was incredibly beautiful. Karen walked with the kids to the store and I went for a run and got to enjoy the sunshine and sparkling white snow.
 We went skiing that afternoon. The snow was incredible. The pass had closed on the west side, so no Seattle skiers were able to come up midday, which meant no lift lines!

 That evening we had a yummy supper and wrapped up by playing dominos with the kids.
 The drive back home Sunday morning was going to be slow going because it had kept snowing all night. We left early and made it home before they closed the pass for a week that afternoon. On our drive we saw cars and plows off the road, branches snapping under the weight of the snow, and power lines heavy with snow that were breaking and starting little fires. It was crazy. We were glad to have made it home safely.
We watched the Seahawks play-off game with cousins Jason, Tabby, Janie, and Isaac Sunday night. It was a cozy evening, but unfortunately also the end of the season for the Seahawks.

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