Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Home Learning - School Resource Ramping Up - Discovery Park

Worked on getting home learning website and activities/lessons set up for my students, did meal planning for two weeks and went out for the groceries. Ran both Saturday and Sunday - trying to run a little farther - work up to 5 miles runs.

Eben dropped the kids off this morning. We had a lot to do with setting up Home Learning now that teachers are doing daily messages, links, etc.  I have organized the daily emails from teachers into a Google Doc of “daily to do” that the kids have access to - so far this is working well. There are more district resources by grade level including video STEM projects which are cool and engaging. We walked to the Town Center for recess. Reed and I took the long way home, past Brookside, and it was nice to have some one-on-one time with him. Edison and Charlotte practiced walking from the Town Center home and it will be something they will be allowed to do on their own as they show they can be responsible and safe. The kids rode bikes around the neighborhood and later in the afternoon Reed rode his bike with me while I went running. Charlotte, Reed, and I played beauty shop and painted our nails. It was a great day!

We had a smaller Home Learning checklist today. The kids each did a project from the district video resources. Edison figured out how he could walk through an index card. Reed and Charlotte each designed different board games. Charlotte’s was about “stay away from the infector.” It kept catching us - ugh! She is going to modify it a little in order that it plays the way she wants it to work. The highlight of the day for me was a four-mile hike through Discovery Park and the West Point Lighthouse in Seattle and stopping to watch the Ballard Locks in action. It is so critical that exercise and being outside continue to be a part of the shelter in place order. We enjoyed a nice picnic on the beach, walking on driftwood, finding sticks, climbing trees, and the hike itself. There are many old roads that are untraveled by cars now in Discovery Park (the old military Fort Lawton) and we have plans to bring bikes next time. Our four-bike carrier arrived today. Reed and Charlotte were super helpers with putting it together. Can’t wait to travel a little further out on bikes as we exercise. It was also really fun to reconnect with Book Club Tuesday night. We talked a little bit about the book and mostly about how its going with being stuck at home and taking on home learning while many of us also work from home. It was so affirming to know other moms are finding it challenging and to laugh with each other!

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