Friday, March 27, 2020

Back to Work and Quarantine in the City

March 27, 2020
We got an early start at the cabin and headed home early enough for me to make a 10:00 Building Leadership Team meeting. The kids were super helpful and everything ran smoothly. They engaged in different learning activities while I was in my meeting. We had a great lunch together and checked in on how everyone was doing. After lunch, we kept working, until we took a break for “P.E.” which today was to go out on the Burke-Gilman Trail. Reed and Edison rode bikes together while Charlotte and I did a three-mile run side-by-side. I love running with Charlotte! She is fast! We shared my airpods and ran together and cheered each other on. It was kind of perfect and definitely a proud mama moment. We a few more things to do at home, including Charlotte being able to connect with her buddies for a bit on Zoom, before the kids were picked up by Eben. Tonight I am taking time to catch up on everything (this journal, the blog, email, bills, etc.). I already miss the kids!
 This is what work looks like now - 25 person Zoom meeting - trying to ramp up to get Home Learning off the ground!

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