Monday, March 2, 2020

Midwinter Break with the Mitchells Skiing at Stevens!

We got to spend a couple wonderful days with the Mitchells at the cabin. The weather was incredible but the company was even better. It was fun to reconnect with Dubs and Rebecca and their kids, too. We had spent time with them at the Mitchell cabin this summer and ended up hanging out here together in Plain, of all places.

The skiing at Stevens on that Friday was incredible. Probably the best day of skiing we've had since I can remember in terms of just being constantly amazed at how beautiful it was up there. We never wanted to stop!

The kids were excited to take me into Big Chief Bowl. It felt remote and big and wild. What fun!

The kids were very excited to show off their growing ski skills!
And we wrapped everything up with an evening of charades. The kids were hilarious!

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