Thursday, March 5, 2020

Karen's Visit & Reed's Cool Stuff

Karen joined us at the cabin for the final days of Midwinter Break. It was super fun to spend time with her and enjoy playing and skiing with the kids.

Slight problem leaving the cabin Sunday morning with her car. Ugh! Good thing Mike and Roy were willing to help!
We finished up our vacation with a hilarious and thought-provoking performance of Snow White at the Seattle Children's Theater.

 And the kids joined Nana at her church for the Mardi Gras celebration and parade which leads into the season of Lent.
Reed and I have fun going on the Burke-Gilman Trail together - I go running and he rides his bike. He is working on some cool stretches. 
 This is the first purchase Reed has made with his own money at the store. He was very adamant about shopping at this store in particular and knew just what he wanted... however, once we got to the store he changed his mind and bought this instead. But the smile says it all - it was a great move!

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