Friday, March 27, 2020

Eastern Washington Adventure 3 - Umatilla Rock, Park Lake

March 23, 2020
We figured out the heater the previous night and so woke to a cozy morning in the camper once we turned that on a bit before getting out of bed. We made our home learning checklist at breakfast and the kids began work immediately. Reed actually completed his 86-page math workbook in three days - he was so proud of his hard work!!!! We decided to hike around the massive Umatilla Rock basalt formation whose trailhead was not far from our campsite. It is actually located at the base of Dry Falls, so it was cool to be hiking and driving around the area we had viewed from the coulee edge the day before. We were the only ones in the whole valley. It was incredibly isolated and magical. We especially enjoyed scrambling over and climbing the erratic boulders at the south end of Umatilla Rock and also being able to hike through a gap in it to the other side and be on top of the formation itself. After this hike, we rested at the camper a bit, did more learning items, and Charlotte was able to Zoom meet up with her friends. Then we drove to Coulee City to repair Charlotte’s bike - thank you to the super helpful man at the hardware store. Back at camp I went for a long walk while the kids rode bikes near me on the Park Lake trail on the south end of camp. It is an old road that has been blocked off, so it was perfect for bike riding. No one was out, though we saw dozens of pikas scampering across our path. Dinner was great and Reed was able to call his friend Joseph after dinner. It was entertaining to see them FaceTime each other. The kids also talked to dad for a bit after dinner. We had a game night in the camper rather than a fire this night and just enjoyed how cozy it felt.

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