Friday, March 27, 2020

Eastern Washington Adventure 4 - Steamboat Rock, Grand Coulee Dam

March 24
We have got the hang of camping down. Routine of breakfast, creating our checklists, beginning learning items, etc. happened seemlessly. We had a plan and we had to get a pretty early start. We drove a half-hour north to Steamboat Rock State Park with a picnic packed. We were able to do a 3-mile hike to the top of Steamboat Rock on the south end where we overlooked Banks Lake and the long coulee that stretched farther than the eye could see. It was enchanting and the kids were proud of how high up we climbed - up to where the birds glide. Again, it felt super odd because no one else was out. It was social isolation at its glory. Afterwards we continued north a little farther up to the Grand Coulee Dam. The visitor center was closed, but we still got to view the dam and read a few informational plaques. It was awe-inspiring for sure. We decided to stock up on groceries in town to bring back to the cabin (who knows what will happen to the supply chain - better safe than sorry). We also took advantage of the good wifi signal so that Charlotte could once again Zoom meet up with her friends. We decided milkshakes were in order while the boys and I waited out her call and we got them from the nicest lady at the Teepee take out spot in town. Back at camp the kids finished their learning tasks and we followed it up by a run on my part and kids joining me on bikes - riding all the way to the end of the road this time. After another delicious dinner, Reed FaceTimed his buddy, Ollie. They told each other lots of really dumb “why did the ______ cross the road” jokes which was more hilarious to watch than the jokes actually were. We had a very sweet campfire to finish out the night.

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