Tuesday, March 5, 2024

MidWinter Break Part 2 / Whistler, Stevens, and a Torn ACL

 Skied 7 of our 9 days this break, almost 150K' of vertical and felt really great about each of them except for today when I injured my knee and ended up with a brace, crutches, and follow up appointments. My last day at Whistler on Friday was EPIC and I skied over 37K’ vertical in mostly bluebird conditions with a nice dose of sun keeping me company. I am enjoying playing with the Slopes app which lets you track stats and position on the mountain for yourself and friends. I’ve been skiing with my AirPods in and listening to tunes and to a couple audio books.

I drove to the cabin Saturday, skipping night skiing at Stevens because it was a wet down pour up there. But I was really excited to ski today in fresh powder!

Sadly, I have now earned my first ski injury. My right ski went out from under me (crossed to the left, doh!) in the heavy, wet powder on my first run at Stevens today. I heard a loud pop before I hit the ground. My skis never came off, so there was a not of unnatural angles happening and it was quite painful. Short version: X-ray revealed no fractures, so it is likely a meniscus or ACL tear or a bad knee sprain at best. Hoping to get in for an MRI this week to know more. Until then, it is ice, ibuprofen, Tylenol and rest. I’m on crutches with a knee brace but hobbling around is excruciating and I’m working on sub plans. This is totally forcing me to sit still and I am feeling a lot of grief right now for how this injury will impact my ability to move my body and do all the activities that I love and that keep me happy and in balance. Shout out to Amy for coming over to help me unpack and get settled at home this evening.

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