Monday, April 1, 2024

WACA, Lacrosse Begins, Orchestra Concert, and 70F on St. Patrick's Day!

- I saw an ortho doc I really like this week. I’ve been trying to maintain mobility and strength the last few weeks. The plan moving forward to address the torn ACL is to rehab aggressively and hope to avoid need for surgery but to know that door is available if needed (like if my knee has unstable moments). Bring on the summer! And I just bought my ski pass for next year! Wish me luck as I continue to work hard on recovery.
- Charlotte finished her first season of basketball and is hooked. She loved her teammates and her coaches and can’t wait to work hard to improve on the court. .
- I went to the Washington Activity Coordinators Association annual conference and got to be inspired by some really amazing colleagues and leaders in our field: James Layman, Scott Backovich, Phil Boyte!!! It was an honor to learn from you! It was humbling to be there to see Vince Ivelia be inducted into the Hall of Fame.
- Charlotte started Sholax Lacrosse spring season. I love these girls, all the parents, and the sport is so fun to watch!
- Edison had his second orchestra concert this year. They are starting to sound really good. He had to do a quick change in the car after swimming the 500 FR at regionals to make it in time, but he did it! He has been playing for five years now and really enjoys it.
- We hit almost 70 degrees on St. Patrick’s Day weekend. The pool on Sunday felt like the summer. A taste of what’s to come!


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