Sunday, July 8, 2012

Family Trip to Sucia Island

 Now this is what summer is supposed to be! Once Eben returned from Massachusetts, we took my mom, Aunt Kathie and Uncle Floyd to Sucia Island. We used to go family camping quite a bit when I was younger, so we were trying to rekindle the experience for Edison and Charlotte.
 The kayaks were great at exploring the bay, cool sandstone cliffs, and little coves.
 Hanging out on the beach.
 And in the water. There were so few boats here midweek at the start of summer. Usually this place is packed with sailboats.
 Who needs a playground?
 Awwww.... one of the nice things about camping with family is that we were able to spend a few minutes with each other while the kids were doing their own things.
 They really like the camp chairs we picked up for them. And I LOVE our new tent - the spaceship looking one in the background.
 We went for a post-dinner exploratory trip to Fossil Bay
 And took pictures.
 The 20' Outrage handled the trip perfectly.

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