Sunday, July 8, 2012

Lake Wenatchee

We had planned on staying four days at Sucia.... but the weather didn't cooperate. We ended up following the sun over the mountains to Lake Wenatchee and enjoyed a nice few days car camping.
 We had a lovely spot by Nason Creek (really a river this time of year with the snow melt). The two best things about this place: 1) the amazing scent of Ponderosa Pines and 2) the delicate breezes blowing up off the river.
 The kids threw rocks into the water. Definitely different than the beach at Sucia.
 We walked over to Lake Wenatchee for the afternoon.
 Then came back to the campsite and played hide and seek.
 They really do smell SO good.
 Day two at the beach before heading back home for dinner. It never ceases to amaze me how different everything is on the other side of the mountains. 85 and sunny versus 60 and rainy in Seattle.... Definitely worth the 90 minute drive.

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